Showing posts with label cute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cute. Show all posts

2012 : The statements.

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.  I've had some personal defeats to work through and between that and trying to start a new life in a new city,  its left little time to blog!
I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and new year all the same!
I thought I'd put together three fashion ideas that made a huge impact in 2012
as far as my wardrobe goes!  I'd love to hear three key items that made your year too. :)

3. Crosses

I can't atually believe that this is all the items I can cook up after a year full of crosses!
I'll admit, I could have drowned myself in cross necklaces at some point in 2012, but as always ( much like everyone) I lost nearly all of them.
Have you ever seen more of a hipster symbol?  Naahhh....
2000 and 12 was definately the year of the Hipster. Ahem.

2. Studs

There was actually a point where I would stick studs on literaly everything.
I'm sure you will agree if you live in the UK.  Even River Island provided us with easy stick on studs you could attach to anything! So yes, big studs, small studs, all kinds of studs everywhere please.
I'm actually surprised the trend has lasted so long.
I wonder when studs will become old news?
Wearing my spike heels.

1. Sweaters

I'm sure you're hardly surprised. If you've followed me for enough time, you'll know how obsessed I can be with knitwear and sweaters. This picture isn't even a snippet of what my sweater collecetion is actually like! I LOOOOVE JUMPERS :_)
I could cry. I could actually cry.
It's the only reason why I want winter to stay!
This is one of my favourites. Not only because it's an obvious sweater, but because it's tie dye too - another trend that made a comeback in 2012! I did go a little silly with tie dye. I hope it is here to stay for 2013 :)
I would love to hear what your top three are for 2012!
I also have a give away coming up shortly so keep watching! :)
All follows will be followed back!
Have a nice day :)

Peppermint Sweater

Do you guys remember when Lana Del Ray helped us (H&M) with a campaign at the beginning of winter? It was a great campaign and lots of the garments she wore in the shoots sold out within days at our store. However, there are a few items left that have no been added into the sale!
And it's a huge sale too, so if you're out and about and happen to cross us, come inside!
Most items have been discounted and if you're a big fan of sweaters and trousers, you'll definately find something for you! We recently has a trouser campaign so we're not short of them if it's what you're looking for!

SWEATER H&M £29.99 £15.

The Outfit

Keeping to a pastel acid feel, I decided to team this sweater and jeans
with comfy Adidas trainers to tone down the look. What shoes would you team it with?
 Lana Del Ray modeling the peppermint sweater and other garments from H&M this winter.

A shoot; pt Two

So here are a few more shots from the other day with Ed Firminger.
Seems like we were glamourising smoking but we were looking for the effect the smoke can make more than anything.
You can see more of Eds work here:


Made in Chelsea

So for any British bloggers out there, you've probably heard of the reality show Made In Chelsea.
Well last night we met the very adorable Francis who I LOVE so much. The terrible thing being, is that I probably shouldn't have drunk so much that I can't remember what I actually said to him. I do remember giving him a big kiss though.....

Christmas jumper!

Heres a sneaky peek of my Christmas Jumper!
Was too excited about it before I had chance to do a proper shoot.
I'll be posting about it very soon along with where it's from and how much.
Litte clue - it's in the picture!

Just before Summer

Thought I'd share with you some shots that Edd Firminger did of me in the early summer.
We do a few every now and then together and it's always a great experience.
If you want to check him out you can find him here:

I'm no longer blonde. Tbh when I look back at this set, it kinda makes me miss it.
But alas, I am a brunette through and through.
I never felt quiet myself with blonde locks.
I suppose it's in every girls nature to experiment with hair and it was just clear I was a dark'n.
At least I got a nice set before I got rid!
I have more sets to upload and you can find more on Ed's site!