Hello, nice to meet you!

Hi guys!
My name is Tifa Leigh and this is my first post!
I'm 22 from Blackpool ( three cheers if you've been on the Big One!) and I have been somewhat forced into blogging.
This is a lie.
I've always dreamed of having a world wide phenominal blog that would help me smash it into fame and fortune, provide me with lots of lovely fans (and stalkers, why not, eh?) and have everyone tell me how fashionable and inspiring I can be.
But alas, this is but a dream and I am getting ahead of myself.
Back in the real world, I am a sales assistant for a very wonderful company called H&M. I love my job, I get to work with fashion, handle the latest trends and face time with lots of wonderful fashion junkies like myself.

So what can you expect from my blog?
Well, I'd be lying if I told you my face woulnd't make a regular appearance. ( I mean, this is my first post and theres already thrice myself. ) But seriously, alot of fashion. Alot of idealogies of fashion. And alot of fashion I quite frankily don't understand.

You see, although I may seem like quite the optomist for fashion, I don't know how to dress myself.

And this is where you lovely lot come in. Inspire me, I'll try to entertain. Come say hi. Let's party. Why not. Love ya.